Physical features and properties of allyl propyl disulfide (C6H12S2), identification CAS number 2179-59-1 and EINEICS number 218-550-7 : gas detectors C6H12S2 (allyl propyl disulfide) and respiratory protection equipments allyl propyl disulfide (C6H12S2), use of a gas mask (half or full pieces) or powered air purifying respirators (PAPR) with gas cartridges and filters P3
Chemical formula | CAS number | Common synonyms |
Chemical formula C6H12S2 |
CAS number 2179-59-1 |
Common synonyms
Propyl allyl disulfide Onion oil 2-Propenyl propyl disulfide |
CE number (EINECS) | Density | Conversion (1 ppm =) |
CE number (EINECS) 201-579-4 |
Density - |
Conversion (1 ppm =) 6.07 mg/m3 |
TWA (8h) | STEL (15 mn.) | LEL | UEL | IP | GHS More | Cartridge More |
TWA (8h) 2 ppm |
STEL (15 mn.) 3 ppm |
LEL - |
UEL - |
IP 8.5 |
GHS More |
To learn more
If exposure to dangerous substances affect everyone, the detection and protection solutions against these risks are not the same whether you are a public space, an association, an industry or a community. So do not hesitate to ask us for advice.
Our experts will answer your questions during the day to help you decide what is the most suitable solution for you. We can also alert you with potential exposure risks, risks of combined presence of gases, or any technical information that you would not have thought.